Kahoot Webinar

Викладачі кафедри іноземних мов активно взяли участь у вебінарі "Kahoot! at Work: 101" з Zainab Iqtidar and Galilea Morales, що відбувся 10 серпня 2022 року.

In this webinar, Zainab Iqtidar and Galilea Morales provided an overview of kahoots' key features such as creating, hosting and playing a Kahoot as well as understanding reports. They covered inviting users and understanding the dashboard, utility of discover tab and a for pitch AccessPass. Experts explained the difference between member folders, teamspace and how access control can be managed visa folders and groups, how to read and utilize reports, self help tools. We discussed how to create a Kahoot and explain the different question types, how to host a Kahoot and explain game play options.

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