Bringing Grammar to Life - Teaching grammar effectively

Викладачі кафедри іноземних мов активно взяли участь у вебінарі NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING WEBINAR "BRINGING GRAMMAR TO LIFE - TEACHING GRAMMAR EFFECTIVELY", що відбувся 17 вересня 2020 року.

Організатори: видавництво National Geographic Learning та ексклюзивний представник National Geographic Learning в Україні компанія Лінгвіст.

Grammar has a bad reputation. For most students simply the mention of the word ‘grammar’ is enough to get them to switch off even before the lesson has begun. Teachers, for all their efforts, are then dragged into the students’ expectations of how grammar lessons should be – boring, passive and unengaging. But teaching grammar doesn’t have to be this way, it doesn’t have to be the painful experience that it often is. With examples from National Geographic Learning’s Close-up series, in this webinar Alex Warren explored how teachers can teach grammar effectively and in doing so help bring grammar to life.

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