Empowering Language Learners with Life Skills for Work and Higher Education

Викладачі кафедри іноземних мов активно взяли участь у вебінарі "Empowering Language Learners with Life Skills for Work and Higher Education", що відбувся 20 липня 2021 року, продовжуючи підвищювати своє особистісно-професійне зростання.

Організатор: видавництво Cambridge University Press.

Developing life skills is an ongoing process, and the English language classroom is particularly suited to facilitating their growth. Learning an additional language already involves many of the identified life competencies, such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking, which are indispensable at a workplace or university. Indeed, there are many opportunities to integrate these competencies into our English lessons even further.

In this webinar, Allen Davenport reviewed what life competencies are and demonstrated how they can be embedded throughout a language course.

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