Викладачі кафедри іноземних мов активно взяли участь в онлайн-конференції "NGL Online Summer Conference 2021", що відбулася 23 червня 2021 року.

Організатори: видавництво National Geographic Learning та офіційний представник видавництва, компанія «Лінгвіст».

More Than Just The Answers, Hugh Dellar. In this session, teachers explored the challenges posed by different types of vocabulary exercises, and considered what they can best add when working with each type. There were interactive workshop elements and plenty of practical ideas.

National Geographic Learning in Ukraine, Diana Golovan

Visible Thinking Routines in the English Language Classroom, Alex Warren. With examples from National Geographic Learning’s Keynote series, in this session Alex Warren showed how teachers can incorporate visible thinking routines into their lessons to not only develop their students’ cognitive skills, but also to stimulate meaningful discussion involving all students.

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