Teaching in the new normal: challenges & solutions

Викладачі кафедри іноземних мов активно взяли участь в онлайн-конференції ''Teaching in the new normal: challenges & solutions'', що відбулася 20 серпня 2020 року.

Організатор: видавництво Macmillan Education.

Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasinska believes that teachers need to use the benefits of flipped classroom as well as combine synchronous and asynchronous teaching techniques in an organized way. This will require expanding their repertoire of teaching techniques and learning how to take more knowledgeable decisions in lesson planning. She showed us how to do it all step by step, illustrating with some great materials from Gateway 2.0.

Jacek Łagun presented how the content that teachers choose to teach should influence their lesson plan. He also suggested different types of lesson plans that we as the teacher can employ, depending on our lesson goals. He also demonstrated how these plans will work both in online and face-to-face teaching contexts. Most of his suggestions were based on the new version of Get 200, published by Macmillan.

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