Specialty 122 Computer Science is an interdisciplinary training course intended for innovation in the development of theoretical foundations and instrumental software tools for the implementation of the tasks of development, intellectualization, integration, automation and management of complex distributed systems, networks, organizations, technological, social and business processes.

Specialty 121 Software engineering is aimed at the development of software systems that work reliably and effectively, the cost of development and support which are affordable and which meet the requirements put forward by them to customers. Today, software engineering professionals are most in demand on the job market among other IT professionals, they are involved in the development of domestic and international software projects, and have decent pay for their work. Demand for software engineers in the future will only grow!

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st. Yaroslava Mudrogo, 25

main building, right wing,

first floor, aud. 113-a.

Phone: (057) 707-37-43

Email: IT@remove-this.khadi.kharkov.remove-this.ua