Babenko Vitalina Oleksiivna

Head of the Department, Professor,
Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences

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In 1995, graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics with honors, majoring in Applied Mathematics. In 1998, completed her studies at Kharkiv State Academy of Urban Economy, specializing in Economics and Management.

Since 1999, she has been a candidate of technical sciences in the field of 01.05.02 - Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods (Specialized Scientific Council at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics). In 2015, she was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences in the field of 08.00.11 - Mathematical Models, Methods, and Information Technologies in Economics. In 2017, she was granted the title of Professor.

Professional and scientific affiliation:

Chair of the section of the specialized scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine for the competitive selection of scientific, scientific-technical works, and projects under "Horizon 2020" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 20, 2022, No. 39). Deputy Chair of the expert group for assessing the effectiveness of higher education institutions in conducting scientific (scientific-technical) activities (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1111 dated September 7, 2020). Member of the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science in the field of "Informatics and Cybernetics." Member of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Member of the specialized Academic Council for defending dissertations in field K 08.051.17 at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (2019-2021). Member of the specialized Academic Council for defending dissertations in field D 64.055.01 at Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University (2015-2019). Member of the branch commission for four All-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers. Expert for the HORIZON competition, European Research Executive Agency, the European Commission. Expert for the Leibniz competition, Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany. Expert for the National Research Fund of Ukraine. Expert for preparing proposals for priority directions of scientific and technological development in Ukraine for 2021-2030. Expert for the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Expert for the International Society of Applied Research "ІSAR," Czech Republic.

Leader, expert, and executor of 14 scientific projects, grants, and state budget topics.

Chief editor of International Journal of Economics and Management Systems (;

Deputy editor of journals: WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics ( [Scopus], WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development ( [Scopus]

Member of the editorial board of scientific journals: Heritage and Sustainable Development ( [Scopus], East European Journal of Advanced Technologies [Scopus], Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Techniques in Economics ( [Scopus], International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management (IJHCUM) ( [Scopus] and ten other international scientific journals .

Qualification enhancement through foreign internships (latest):

  • Visiting Professor, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, June-July 2023
  • Visiting Researcher, University of Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain, January-March 2023
  • Quality Assurance Agency, professional development program “International Review Methodologies for Programme Accreditation” for the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (NAQA) Accreditation Experts, December 19-20, 2021, United Kingdom.
  • Co-organizer of the School of Social Entrepreneurship «Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute», April 15-20 2019, Norway.

English language proficiency at B2 level confirmed (Certificate).

Participation in over 120 international scientific and practical conferences and seminars as a chairperson, main speaker, member of organizational, scientific, and technical committees, and session leader.

Based on research findings, published: 350 scientific works, including 31 monographs and chapters in monographs, 205 articles, 112 conference papers, 2 patents.

Area of research interests: information systems and technologies, economic-mathematical modeling, optimization of management, management of innovative technologies, Blockchain, AgriTech, FoodTech, FinTech.