Hrytsyna Nataliia Іvanivna

Candidate of Sciences (Technical),
Associate Professor.

Google Academy



Graduated from the Kharkov State Polytechnic University in 1996 with a degree in Information and Measurement Technology. In the same year I entered post-graduate studies at the department of engineering and computer graphics of the CPPU. After graduation from the graduate school, in 1999, she defended her thesis on specialty 05.01.01 - "Applied Geometry, Engineering Graphics" on the theme "Geometric modeling of the ray path in elliptical and parabolic reflecting systems".

1999 - 2002 - Assistant of the department "Labor Protection" of the National Technical University "KhPI" (NTU "KhPI"), taught the course "Civil Protection";

2002 - 2008 - Senior Lecturer of the Emergency Rescue Technology Department of the University of Civil Defense of Ukraine (UGZU), taught the course "Engineering and Computer Graphics";

Since 2008 - Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, HNADU, I teach the course "Engineering and Computer Graphics".

After the defense of the candidate's thesis 41 works were published: 19 of them in professional publications, 13 teaching and methodical works, 4 manuals, one of which received the MES stamp. I took part in many scientific conferences, with the publication of abstracts and reports. In 2016 received a certificate of registration of copyright on the work.

Scientific interests: study of the possibilities of modern design systems for automation of work on drawings, design of machine parts using component generators and calculation modules.

List of main publications: Google Academy Resource .

Hobbies: I bring up my 12 years old daughter (the second time in my life and now I'm already consciously studying in high school), music (education in accordion class), sports (fitness trainer), hobbies: mountain skiing, biking, distant travels on comfortable modern cars.



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