Nadezhda Podrigalo

Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor.

Google Academy 



Graduated from Kharkov State Automobile and Highway Technical University (now KhNADU) with a degree in “Lifting, Conveying, Road-building Machines and Equipment”.

After graduation from the graduate school of the same educational institution, she defended her Ph.D. thesis in 2001 on the topic “The substantation and choice of structure and main parameters for modular’s transmissions for earth-moving and loading machines”.

She graduated doctoral studies and in 2016 defended her Thesis for a Doctor Degree in Technical Sciences on “Conception of performance engineering and control of motor transaxle functional stability of transport hauling equipment”.

Scientific interests: automobile construction, tractor construction, machine dynamics. The list of main scientific publications is available at the following link: Google Academy

Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics. She conducts lectures and practical classes in descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics.

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